What is this?

This site is a project of The Bristol Press to gather together ideas of what 2035 will be like in Bristol, Plymouth, Plainville and Southington. Please join in the conversation by submitting your thoughts to bristol2035@gmail.com.
You are more than welcome to contribute cartoons, photographs and links to other sites.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bristol will retain its 'small town feeling'

Former Mayor Mike Werner weighed in with these thoughts:

While Bristol will continue to change, it will always have that small town feeling.  I mean that in a good way.  Most people grew up in town; they know everyone else either through their school affiliation or through youth athletics or via their volunteer activities.  People of Bristol may complain about their home town, but they always come together to figure out solutions to their problems.  The volunteer involvement of Bristol people is unsurpassed by any other community I know.  This will not change by 2035.

The Center Mall will be fully developed.  I see the Superior Electric industrial park filled with new businesses as well as some old ones who’ve expanded locally.  The hospital will continue to evolve, expand and be a critical part of the city despite all the competition and legislative challenges they’ll face.  The Boys’ and Girls’ Club, with the help of ESPN, will be completed in its new site and will be a focal point for youth activity in town. 

Traffic on route six will of course continue to be a nightmare.  The new route 72 extension will cause more problems than it solves.  There will still be no parking at City Hall.  In 2035 both Tom O’Brien and Barbara Doyle will still be serving the Board of Ed.  Art Ward will be gearing up for the next election, and Greg Fradette will still stop at Dunkin Donuts every morning at nine after he gets the mail from the Post Office.  

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