What is this?

This site is a project of The Bristol Press to gather together ideas of what 2035 will be like in Bristol, Plymouth, Plainville and Southington. Please join in the conversation by submitting your thoughts to bristol2035@gmail.com.
You are more than welcome to contribute cartoons, photographs and links to other sites.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

ESPN to grow, Depot Square to celebate 20th anniversary

Former Republican City Council candidate Derek Czenczelewski offered this:

I think Bristol will look, aesthetically, much the same that it does today. I see Depot Square celebrating it's 20th-or-so Anniversary with a large celebration of how it was the first step in the revitalization of Bristol. Our parks and schools will still be strong assets to our community and Memorial Boulevard will have added a monument to the current (2010) wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which will have ended some 20 years prior.
Bristol's industry will be made up of nearly 50% technology and information companies, with the service industry still playing a major role in our local economy.
Muzzy Field will have been renovated, and may be playing host to an Independent League team, with baseball still being the most popular sport in town. ESPN will have just celebrated their 55th Anniversary a few months earlier, and will have expanded significantly, thanks in part to the State and Local Government's efforts to make Connecticut a more business-friendly state.
Lastly, Steve Collins will be the newest owner of the Bristol Press, and will travel to work via train on a daily basis.
One could dream right?

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